
Week Eight: Parting is Such Sweet Sorrow

Possibly a stromatolite or stromatolite-like formation; note the layers and crystallization. Thanks, Juliet, for that aptly-put line.   As we started work this week, the energy in the room was tangible; the bittersweet knowledge that this was our last week weighed on our shoulders.   Overall, we’ve had a great time working here, with only a few hiccups along the way, usually in the form of a specimen out of place or some missing information.   We’ve had the chance that only 12 other interns will have: working to preserve the specimens and their information in the Royal Mapes Collection for generations to follow while going on tours of other departments to see how they function and to gain a better understanding of the inner workings of collections management.   We will never forget this experience and all that came with it. On a happier note, we toured with Dr. Christine Johnson, the Curatorial Associate for Invertebrate Zoolo...