Week Six: Do it like a Boas
Hola, Um waynuma?, Rimaykullayki, Gude, konnichiwa, Hello! We have successfully completed our 6th week! That's 3/4ths of the way through before we are all home-bound which will be a breath of fresh air (no pun intended...) for all of us. This week started out as a typical Monday with a little rocky morning due to subway complications but we didn't let it kill our work vibe! To date, we completed three more cabinets this week with a running total of 22 cabinets! Spirits were high this week with many jokes in between the adversities of curation with missing specimen labels, poorly archived boxes, and uneven ethafoam liners. Getting out of the windowless basement is also always an adventure. This week some of the interns ate lunch at a make-your-own-salad restaurant. Yum! A specimen with an exemplary example of scientific terminology in the world of paleontologists. This week's scientific tour was of the Anthropology collection. Anthropology by definition is "...